Exploring AI Potential in DAO Governance

AI Delegation is a new Blockful experiment, enabling AI Delegates to take part in DAO governance. With goals of streamlining decision-making processes and enhancing our understanding of governing with AI. Our Delegates are biased agents, with clearly defined and transparent biases, allowing humans to choose between different positions or to prompt their own Delegates into existence.

How it works

The AI Delegate system v0.1 works with AI Agents running on our own servers, listening to the DAO proposals on-chain and casting their votes to them based on their bias prompts + DAO constitution + proposal.

Each AI Agent has their own bias, for example pg.aidelegates.eth is focused on public goods on ENS DAO and only votes for support of proposals that move the DAO forward on that objective. That was prompted in the following manner:

This delegate should vote with a strong preference toward funding public goods projects that create openly accessible software and products that are open source, usable by anyone and generate positive impact in the ENS ecosystem. It should evaluate impact of a project, who it serves and if its useful for the collective.

Every time a new proposal is made to ENS DAO, this delegate will process that proposal, together with this bias and the DAO’s constitution, and decide to vote yes or no and give it’s reason, as in the examples below:

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 19.16.37.png

Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 19.17.48.png

Testnet dApp:


Prototipe https://www.figma.com/proto/8DdsgV7x11kT7v24bjdWLi/AI-Delegate?node-id=2-323&t=r0ZXst2yI5DryMM6-0&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1



Governing Beyond Casting Votes:

Our research extends beyond automating voting. We’re exploring human and AI coexistence in governance with agents capable of automating and assisting various governance tasks. By integrating AIs beyond only casting votes, we want to reduce the managerial burden on delegates, enabling larger voter diversity and better efficiency for those participating.

Most-likely Next Steps

This learning road will be a long one, with many improvements to be made to this first model. As we try to enhance the “Autonomous” part in DAOs, some of those improvements are quite predictable: verifiable AI models, permissionless integrations and resilience solutions will be necessary. Our decision is to prioritize public experimentation, learn from the results and allow for those lessons to shape what the next priorities will look like.

Explore and Innovate through Community




We want to build it in a transparent and interactive environment where DAO members can engage, share insights, and directly influence the development of AI governance tools. Community feedback will be at the core of how we iterate this and we welcome all AI builders and enthusiasts to join us in the journey. You can start by choosing and attributing voting power to an AI Delegate on ENSDAO Governance.